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Legend Biography

Chad Hoover


Host of Kayak Bassin’ with Chad Hoover

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Chad Hoover's passion and talent for bass fishing, along with his dynamic personality and desire to share the sport of kayak fishing, have made him a leader of the worldwide kayak fishing movement. Host of the TV Show Kayak Bassin’ with Chad Hoover, he authored the book Kayak Bass Fishing that helped establish kayak fishing as the fastest-growing segment of today’s sportfishing market. Chad was a driving force behind the increasingly-popular CPR (Catch-Photo-Release) tournament format and founded Kayak Bass Fishing (KBF), the world’s leading competitive fishing organization for kayak anglers. After retiring from a 20-year career in the US Navy, Chad and his family made their home in Hendersonville, Tennessee. When not traveling to KBF tournaments and events or for video shoots, you'll often find them paddling Old Hickory Lake near their home, on Long Branch Lakes in the Cumberland highlands, or on other Tennessee lakes or streams. Combining a background in avionics engineering with in-depth knowledge of all things related to kayaking and fishing, Chad is widely recognized as a leading watercraft and accessories designer and has a number significant innovations to his credit.

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