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Legend Biography

Dianna Clark


Professional Bass Angler

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Fishing became an important part of my life
as a very young child. My earliest memories
of fishing were when my grandfather took me
down a steep creek bank, set me down, and
showed me how to put a worm on a hook.
Once that part was mastered it was all easy
from there. Family fishing trips in later
childhood instilled the concepts of enjoyment
of fishing along with teaching me to
appreciate and respect nature.
During my teen years , I spent many of my
summer mornings fishing on "farm ponds" in
Texas where I grew up. Fishing adventures
with my family and friends on many wonderful
creeks and lakes helped me developed
beginning skills of fishing. When I made my
move to Tennessee after retiring from the
United States Army I had never realized how
beautiful Tennessee waters were, nor little did
I know the adventures in fishing experiences I
was about to enjoy. I soon met a gentleman
by the name of Harvey Clark who showed me
how great fishing really is on Tennessee


During my first years of fishing Tennessee
waters I have caught a 9 pound 1 ounce
largemouth bass. Among several fish that we
have caught and released over the last fifteen
years there was no tracking the amount of
four to eight pound bass caught. After so
many years of producing such wonderfully
large fish, one would only think the action
would take a dive, but not so.
More excitement came my way than when I
started fishing Tennessee waters, and that
was the thrill of competitive bass fishing
against other women. I will never forget the
morning of my first ladies tournament. The
sun had not yet come up, the skies were still
filled with stars. Every women was in their
boat, patiently waiting for that first voice to
sound and say "Ladies, would you please
stand for the prayer and playing of the
National Anthem." Everyone stood up. After
the blessing the fireworks erupted in the sky,
as the National Anthem began to play. I
placed my hand across my heart and stood
with great pride and happiness.

After sitting back down and slipping on the life jackets, the next
sound was "Ladies start your motors." I could really feel the
butterflies in my stomach, just waiting for my number to be called for
my boat to launch.After what seemed to like an eternity, but was
only a matter of minutes, they called my number. I opened up the
throttle as if the start of a NASCAR race had just taken place.
The thrill and excitement had me hooked. Fishing had become not
only a hobby, but also one of the most important parts of my life. As
a women competitor I had been fishing for years before I had
discovered that there was a special place for women bass anglers.
It's a place where I feel comfortable for the first time, and have a
sense of belonging. I wanted to share this with every young lady and
woman I met.I wanted them to know the pleasures of the great
outdoors, the sight of a beautiful sunrise on the water, of the wildlife
I see, and the excitement of seeing the Majestic bald eagles flying
above your head. Fishing that just takes your breath away with
great beauty. I just want to share everything I've learned, and get
more young ladies and women to fish. Competitive fishing is a good
thing but we must remember how we got where we are, where we
came from, and the special people in our lives who helped us get


Now we must pass on what we know today to develope other lady
anglers. The future of women's bass fishing is in our hands. If we
are to continue doing what we enjoy we must become better at
helping other young ladies explore the great outdoors and what it
has to offer. Success comes with great sacrifice. It takes time and a
lot of practice. We have to give of ourselves to ensure the continuity
of the sport. Girls, young ladies, and women should never sell
themselves short from enjoying the great adventures.The pleasures
and rewards are out there for all of us to enjoy, and no human being
should have to miss these opportunities. One could only wonder
what direction I would have taken or the experiences I may have
missed if someone special had not led me down that steep creek

bank long ago.

So remember parents, next time you step out to go fishing, hunting,
or camping don't leave out that little special girl in your life.

Thanks for reading,

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