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Legend Biography

Fred Bear


Father of Modern Bowhunting

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Fred Bear is frequently referred to as “The Father of Modern Bowhunting” and for good reason. No single person has done more to popularize bowhunting than Fred Bear.

Born in1902 of a hunting family Fred didn’t take his first animal with a bow until over 30 years later; but once he discovered bowhunting he was a man on a mission. He worked tirelessly to establish seasons, form clubs, build equipment and show would be bowhunters how to use it. He let the movement to “be a two season hunter” which made bowhunting what it is today. He was the subject of thousands of inches of print and his image and words appeared in books, magazines, and newspapers worldwide. His films were distributed world wide.

Fred Bear was a great craftsman and inventor of archery gear. He started making archery equipment in the 30’s and founded Bear Products Company (later became Bear Archery) in 1933. He received patents on numerous archery products until his death in 1988. One of the largest and oldest archery companies in the country wears his name today.

As hard as he worked to promote bowhunting he worked equally hard to promote conservation. He started the “Fred Bear Sports Club” in 1972, with the help of astronauts, movie stars, and other hunting notables The link between hunting and conservation was clear to Fred from the beginning, Fred garnered support from the archery industry to institute a 11% excise tax on archery equipment which has contributed millions of dollars to conservation.

The day Fred died Frank Scott, who was the first employee hired by Fred 60 years earlier, stopped the clock on Fred’s office wall. Nothing was changed or been moved in Fred’s office since that April day in 1988.

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