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Legend Biography

Ray Eye


Nationally-Known Turkey Hunter

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Ray Eye is the most famous turkey hunter in the world. With more than forty-five years of turkey-hunting
experience, he has a huge following across the United States. With his own website, turkey hunting blog
(on, his own television and radio shows, plus Chasing Spring DVD's, Eye’s name is
synonymous with turkey hunting.
Called “America’s Premier Turkey Hunter” by The Wall Street Journal, and named “Great Outdoor
legend” by Outdoor Life Magazine, Eye has communicated his expertise on turkey hunting and the
outdoors for more than three decades.
The Hillsboro, Mo. Native is a conservation communicator of the year and named the 2012 NWTF
Communicator of the Year on Feb. 11 at the 36th annual NWTF National Convention and Sport Show.
Eye has hosted national television shows, written for national outdoor publications, has his own outdoor
radio show in St. Louis and conducts seminars across the nation. Eye also writes “Chasing Spring,” a
popular blog on
He has written three books, his latest titled “Ray Eye’s Turkey Hunter’s Bible: The Tips, Tactics and
Secrets of a Professional Turkey Hunter.”
This internationally known, well-respected outdoor personality has incredible staying power with a yearly
nonstop whirl wind sports show schedule, Ray Eye still remains as one of the premier seminar headliners,
entertainers, story tellers and leading educator in the world of hunting.
In addition, as an award winning Outdoor communicator, author, national seminar speaker, Outdoor life
“Chasing Spring” host, television and Radio personality, Ray continues to be in demand with foremost
hunting companies to utilize Eye’s notoriety and public visibility to promote their products through all
outdoor media outlets
As a national hunting spokesperson, something more important to Ray, is sharing his knowledge and time
to hunter education, gun ownership, conservation groups, youth hunters, and everything outdoors. But
especially for the future of hunting, preservation and restoration of wildlife and natural habitat, Ray has
and always will strive to preserve our priceless wildlife resources and the privilege of hunting and
enjoying the great outdoors.

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