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Legend Biography

Sherry Crumley


Former VP of Trebark

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Sherry Smith Crumley

Born Bristol,VA/TN
Lives in Buchanan, VA
Husband Jim Crumley
Craig Simpson and daughter, Kathryn
Chris Simpson and wife, Stacey, daughter, Caroline
Retired as Vice President of Bowing Enterprises/Trebark Camouflage 2000
Currently serving fifth term on the board of the National Wild Turkey Federation [NWTF] and chairman of the Development Committee
Served as president of the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the NWTF`
Advisory Board of Virginia Hunters for the Hungry 1991-present
Past Chairman Wildlife Foundation of Virginia
Past Chairman of the Virginia Heritage Foundation: The Virginia Heritage Foundation led the campaign in Virginia to pass a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing Virginians the right to hunt, fish and harvest game.
Served on the board of the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries 2002-2010. First woman to serve as chairman of that board, 2005-2006. My father, Karl T. Smith served as chairman of the Tennessee Game and Fish Commission 1969-1970.
Served on the NRA’s Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Committee under two presidents.

In my local community:
Chaired the local affiliate of the American Heart Association
Served on the board of Mill Mountain Theater
Served on the Marketing Education Committee of Roanoke County Schools
Member of the Junior League
Member of the Town Improvement Society
Member of the Friends of the Buchanan Library
Elder of Buchanan Presbyterian Church
Community volunteer`

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