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Legend Biography

Terry Denmon


Founding Partner & Host of MOJO Outdoors

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Terry Denmon is an American Professional Engineer,
Businessman, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and
Professional Hunter.  Growing up in the vast
Mississippi River Delta, in Louisiana, the State known
as Sportsman’s Paradise, meant hunting was a part of
everyday life.  Having a father that raised and trained
bird dogs, hunting extensively with them, learning to
hunt came at a very early age kindling a lifelong love
for the outdoors.
Terry earned a BS in Civil Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and after
several years of government service as an engineer, founded his first engineering
company in Monroe, the trade center for Northeast Louisiana.  The engineering
profession afforded the opportunity to pursue an infatuation held since youth for
western big game ranging from Mexico, Canada, and north to Alaska. Success
afield spawned a desire to help others, so he spent many years guiding fellow
hunters for antelope, mule deer and other game.
All the while partaking in big game adventures, Terry partnered with lifelong
friends, the Crowe family, owning a commercial waterfowl operation in close
proximity to the famous Catahoula Lake complex in Louisiana where he continued
to outfit and guide hunters in this waterfowl rich environment. His hunting
adventures have taken him around the world, including 7 trips to Africa
 During the Louisiana duck season of 1999, his life changed forever when he
agreed to assist his friend Murry Crowe in designing a spinning wing duck decoy,
which Murry had agreed to manufacture for a third friend, Jeff Simmons, who
owned a large sporting goods store in the area. Murry, renown for his mechanical
aptitude was ideally suited for manufacturing the decoys, but needed Terry’s
technical help. 
The concept of the spinning wing decoy (SWD) had begun to emerge in duck
hunting in the late 1990's due to its ability to attract ducks, especially from great
distances. A few were attempting to produce and market decoys based on the
concept but were plagued by poor design and construction, and most efforts were
stifled with marketing issues. After careful assessment of existing designs, he and
Murry envisioned a 'better mousetrap' and as they say "the rest is history!" A
culmination of engineering, mechanics, and marketing savvy gave birth to the
MOJO Mallard, revolutionizing the duck hunting industry like magic!  Louisiana
being steeped in Voodoo folklore, where the term “MOJO” means “Magic” …
henceforth, a magic mallard! Both Terry and duck hunting were changed forever.

In early 2000, Terry, Murry and Jeff formed HuntWise, Inc. and began the
business of manufacturing, selling and promoting their new product. By 2007 they
had expanded their product line into other decoys and hunting accessories and
established MOJO as the premiere brand for motion decoys. That year, Terry
acquired controlling interest in the company.  In 2012 Terry acquired all
remaining interest in MOJO. Today, the company has a greatly expanded product
line establishing the “MOJO” Brand as dominant in motion decoys and is known
as the company that “changes how we hunt” by bringing truly innovative products
to hunters worldwide. 
Along the way, Terry expanded his engineering businesses, participated in
farming, real estate investments, served a constitutionally limited 6-year term on
the Louisiana Wildlife & Fisheries Commission, serving as Chairman for 2 years
and as Vice-Chairman for 2 years, served as Chairman of the local Chamber of
Commerce, and formed his own charity to help local needy children, styled
“Caring for Kids”. He currently serves as a member of the Louisiana Committee
of 100, an organization of the top 100 CEO’s and Presidents of the Institutions of
Higher Learning working to better the State.
Currently, Terry divides his time between his engineering interests, MOJO, family
investments, civic and charitable causes, all the while traveling the world hunting
and hosting MOJO TV. He also enjoys new product development that aids fellow
hunters to become more successful and to watch it grow in the marketplace, and
he intends to continue that for the rest of his life.

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