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Legend Biography

Tim Grounds


World Champion Goose Caller & Call Maker

Sponsors: Coming Soon

Tim was born in Aurora, IL Jan. 31, 1958. Since that time, Tim has become a hunter, call
maker, guide, teacher, salesman, friend and father. All of these things are intertwined with
his passion to hunt the Canada goose. "Every day I hunt, that passion is as great as it was
the first time I went, at age five, with my grandpa, John Moore," Tim fondly recalls..
Since that day, with the help of friends like Abe Lewis, Harold Knight, David Hale, Keith
and Charlie Hess, Tim has become one of the foremost autherties on goose hunting and
contest calling in the sport of waterfowling.
After having been taught by fellow goose caller Abe Lewis just how to change the sound
of the OLT A-50, guys would bring their calls to be tuned and then started asking Tim to
guide for them. After selling OLTs for several years, Tim's dad encouraged him to make
my own mold. Later the Hess family taught Tim the concept of the short reed call.
Tim's contest wins through the last three decades, have kept his name in the public eye
and drew people to Tim for advice and information about the sport and the business of call
making. Tim was always happy to share what he knew about goose calling and hunting to
inspire others to keep this sport alive and well for future generations to enjoy.
Tim owns a hunting club and lodge in southern Illinios, however he say's
"nothing means as much to me as the friends I have made and the lessons I have learned
over the years . And even though the contest wins earned money, the loses kept his feet on
the ground and reminded him of where came from and who I am. My dad, Bill Grounds,
taught me that a man’s good name is all he really has in this world, and I should protect
mine by being honest."

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